
Showing posts from September, 2017

Woche 1

Halloooooooo meine Schaetzen (ich kann nicht die a/e/u mit Umlaut finden auf diesem Keyboard)!!! So, the first week of the highly anticipated year abroad is over. Woooooo! We made it lads! LEGGOOOOO.  Overall feeling: Tired. Cigarettes consumed: Too many (it's not my fault- people are more talkative with a cig in their hand) Beer consumed: Not too much considering  Random German interactions: 2 Being mistaken for German: 1 (gut!) New words that I have remembered to relay unto this blog: 2- Kuerbis (pumpkin) and Jakobsmuscheln (scallops)  Trains sat on: feels like 10,000,000, but was a grand total of 5  German spoken: more than expected, but that is good!! German understood: most of what people have been saying, also good! Denglish spoken: a lot, especially when tired  What a week though. I'll paint you all a picture of how its gone.  Monday : Woke up 4am. Was tired. Was sick (always get travel sick, no clue why, I do it so much but my bod...