Woche 2

Hallo hallo hallooooooo von Mecklenburg Vorpommen,
Yes I am living here now, until Thursday.

What a weeeeeeeeeeeeek. Gonna have to rack my brain about what I did on Monday...
So, to start, we'll go through the new vocab (this might be boring to most of you but hell you might learn something so sit down and shut up). I'll also include the context where I learned the word (if I can remember) which might be more interesting to you:
dämlich - stupid (Phoebe calls Ross stupid in friends and used this word)
geborgt - borrowed (Phoebe has borrowed Monica's earrings in friends)
abtreiben - to abort (We did about teenage pregnancy in one of my classes this week)
die Abtreibung - abortion (as above)
aufgebracht - upset (someone was upset with someone in Friends)
die Lauer - a look out/a lurker (the old lady in Friends was lurking Phoebe in the slot machines)
die Besichtigungstermine - viewing (I've been looking for a Wohnung this week so had to make a few of these)
gesochse/gesocks - antisocial (reading the newspaper and this is what AFD voters think immigrants are)
die Volksverhetzung - hate crime (a policeman posted nasty things about immigrants online and this was classed as a hate crime)
gezielt - targeted
der Eidbrecher - oathbreaker (what AFD voters think Angela Merkel is)
riesig - huge/vast
gefüttered - fed/padded/lined
loben - to praise
wütend - furious/angry
der Frust - frustration (what most East German men feel and why so many voted for AFD)
besetzt - occupied/engaged
uberwiegend - predominantly/mainly
etw. geschieht - sth. occurs/happens
neugierig - curious/nosy/inquisitive
die Wiese - meadow/pasture (there was some wolves that showed up where some tree surgeons were working, which is rare)
die Hundewelpe - puppy (yaaaaaay puppies)
anrücken - approach/advance/move in
der Abschied - farewell/leave
der Schmerz - pain/anguish/distress
die Streichung - cancellation
streichen - to cancel
der Ehrgeiz - ambition
jd. zierte - sb. adorned (make more attractive)
ein/willigen - comply/consent/approve
hauchen - breathe/whisper
glühend - fierce/glowing/fiery (from a dub of RuPauls' Drag Race)
hüpfen - hop/leap/skip (someone talking about what they can do in heels on RPDR)
die Milz - spleen (this was on RPDR but I don't know the context, I think the runway?)
hinreißend - gorgeous/ravishing/adorable
hegen - cherish/nurture/nourish
gebügelt - ironed/pressed
kreieren - to create
nahen - to sew/stitch (some queens couldn't)
die Entblößung - exposure
verkackt es nicht - don't fuck it up (LIP SYNC FOR DAS LEBEN)
kitschig - corny/cheesy/tacky (used a lot on RPDR)
mollig - plump/chubby (looking @ you Ginger Minj)
überwaltigend - overwhelming
schlicht - plain/modest/simple
die Ausscheidung - elimination
vermasslen - to fuck up
der Kerl - bloke/chap
etw. einrenken - to sort sth out
der Segen - blessing (watching Catch Me If You Can and Frank asked for the girl's dad's blessing)
der Anwalt - lawyer (he becomes a "lawyer")
jagen - chase s.b./hunt s.b or sth.
quälen - to bother/torture/torment (or in the context I was watching it on RPDR - to twist s.b.'s nipples)

What I did this week:

Woke up and went to school. Was with a guy and his Gymnasium class (A-level standard). They were learning about Irish history and I was pretty much useless (they teach us so little Irish history at school but why?!) but was able to recount some stories my nan had told me about discrimination against the Irish in the 70s and that my cousin now goes to an Irish speaking school but not many people speak the Irish language anymore. They were learning things our teachers wouldn't dare to teach us. Second lesson the fire alarm went off, people were smoking as we left, and I thought yep that's pretty much how I'd react to a IRL fire (I didn't dare to on my first day or on school property though). They were learning about the simple present tense (does/do vs doesn't/don't) and did a listening about a guy doing his first day at a care home. I looked through the text book and was interested to see a little side box on small talk. It said "In the UK people might ask 'how you are', which is a greeting, and to which you must reply 'fine and you?'" Pretty much spot on. Left school. Went to register to say I was in the country. Opened a bank account (STILL waiting on my bank card to get PAID). Walked around for a bit. Went home for some Netflix and sleep.

Woke up and went to school (had to walk by myself for the first time but I FOUND IT). First class someone asked if Birmingham was "really dark and depressing because Black Sabbath come from there". I thought fair enough. They were learning about Robinson Crusoe and Mr Pip. They were impressed Crusoe was a satire (in my opinion). Have to prepare a conversational lesson for a couple of weeks. Had to do some photocopying, accidentally walked into the headteacher's room thinking it was the copying room, finally found the room and couldn't work the copier, another colleague had to show me and probs thought I was stupid, made like 10 million copies on accident, got lost going back to class, but finally made it safe and sound. Second lesson was just going through an extract for a book and writing about the atmosphere in it (I believe their Abitur is writing about atmosphere in a given extract). Got some lunch and went home. Had to prepare a lesson for the next day on Birmingham. Then had a viewing for a WG living with a 50 year old man, he rejected me, wanted someone older I think, which is fair enough.

Went to school to do my lesson, teacher thought I was in the first class but I was in the second, so he was all "where were you??????" and I was like "dude but my timetable" so I presented to a class that he wasn't sure I should prepare for but they enjoyed it and so did I. They found Birmingham dialect words strange but hilarious. The rest of the lesson was talking about ways to start sentences and connectives. Second lesson of the day was about teenage pregnancy, they were confused at some of our words for things like "baby grow", which is a strange term now I think about it. They were given a reading task about the high level of teenage pregnancy in Sheffield, were asked to name a city close to Sheffield, some put London but I thought "well Germany is so big London probably looks close to Sheffield to you". Had another viewing and it went well, but still waiting to hear back, there was a lot of other applicants. Had also another viewing planned with a guy who was... overly friendly. He cancelled, and my mentor advised me not to reschedule (we had been using her husband's phone to text him). Later on in the week he asked if I wanted to go for a drink, then today I went to a viewing and they were talking about other people who had had encounters with this guy. Turns out he is a real guy, just on the search for a girlfriend more than a roommate, the room is beautiful apparently, but he is creepy. It's a strange world guys. He posts the advert everyday, looking for females only, and apparently speaks 12 languages.

Started a bit later in the day, but I just bought some lunch and walked to school. Was working with the woman I am currently living with. The students had a lot of questions for me, including about people queuing for busses in England (they found that strange). They had to discuss whether 'Happiness' should be introduced as a subject that could be taken for A-Level, I think the general consensus was no because everyone has different definitions of happy and you can't just tell somebody to be happy. Went home and chilled.

My day offffffffffff. Visited the Holstentor (pics below!), found the Irish pub on the way (so if I'm lost and lonely I can maybe find my people in there). Went for lunch by myself, it wasn't so bad, I thought sitting in a restaurant would make you look sad or lonely, but it felt good going at my own pace, not having to rush or care about dropping food down me. Popped to the shop, looked for tweezers (I bought some tweezers and nail files and it came to 14 Euro ummm wtf?) because my monobrow was going a bit wayward. Lots of marzipan and stollen, thought I couldn't buy stollen otherwise I'll think it's Christmas.

Chilled pretty much all day, just went out to get a slice of pizza for lunch, then went to the cinema alone to see Kingsman 2 and oh God it was amazing I recommend you see it. Felt good that I did it alone, but I asked for a "mittel cola" thinking it'd be medium, but he thought I said "litre", so ended up with teeny weeny popcorn but a massive jug of sugar. Got a Maccies on the way back, they gave me even more coke even though I didn't specify what drink I wanted, went home and ate it, it was good, so I think we'll be ok.

Had 2 viewings today. Had to get the bus, spent about half an hour trying to find the correct bus stop. Went on, paid, got off, don't have to say thank you to the driver here so felt dead rude, saw room, told her I'd text her, then an hour later get a text saying "sorry I've given it away" giz a chance like. Saw another flat, fell totally in love, please pick meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Went back and packed, met the colleague I'm stopping with now and bought some Flammkuchen for dinner tonight. Went to hers, sat on the terrace and spoke about England and my life, she seems very interested in the British way of life, no one here can understand Brexit, and well, neither can I, still. Had Flammkuchen, and now am typing this watching a German travel TV show and drinking a cup of "calming tea". I need a litre of this.

Bis später!

Bild könnte enthalten: Himmel, Wolken, Gras und im FreienHolstentor
Annnddd... the marzipan version:
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