Woche 10
Words this week:
im Schilde - under sb's fingernails
Guten Rutsch - Happy New Year
rieseln - trickle
leise - quiet/faint
der Duft - scent/fragrance
der Bratapfel - baked/roast apple
die Kugel - bauble
das Lametta - tinsel
die Fichten - firs/spruces
der Tesafilm - sellotape
die Faeden - stitches/thread
ausspeien - spit out
die Abneigung - dislike/reluctance/aversion
etw. verschlingen - to scoff sth
desensibilisieren - desensitise
klumpig - lumpy
mushy - matschig
pingelig - fussy
der Schlamm - mud
etw. puerieren/zerdruecken - mash sth
das Knabbergebaeck - breadsticks
der Schlemmer - glutton/good liver
die Annahme - assumption
einsteigen - access
klug/schlau - savvy
unverzichtbar - indispensable/vital
schleppend - sluggish/slowly
gering - slight/minor
der Zuwachs - increase
holen - fetch/get sth
die Mattscheibe - idiot box (TV)
die Verschmelzung - blend/fusion
fliessend - fluent/flowing
verdraenger - fierce
das Bewegtbild - moving image
zu jds/etw. Lasten - to the disadvantage of sb
einschalten - engage/activate
vergleichbar - comparable
der Internetauftritt- internet presence
beruecksichtigt - considered
anmuten - appear/seem
gelegentlich - occassionally
miteinbezogen - included
unworben - courted
der Schlaffi - wimp
der Leibwaechter - bodyguard
Went to work, was a little bit boring and didn't have to do much. During my break Joe and I went to town and did a little bit of Christmas shopping and browsing for Christmas decorations. After work, I got home and Joe had done all my shopping for me and had a sandwich on the table waiting for me. Then we napped for a little while in each other's arms. We then met up with the other assistants in town for a curry. They didn't do bhunas so I opted for the nondescript "chicken curry", which wasn't the worst but was certainly nothing like Birmingham curries. We then went home and attempted to watch Gangs of New York but that film is hard to get into.
Went to work. Had to carry out one lesson, where the students had two emails, each containing different information, and had to ask each other questions to fill in their missing information. Then they had to use those questions to ask others in the class about their own holidays. When finished, I had to read out a few riddles, which not even I could figure out that much. In the next class, I took small groups out at a time to hear their arguments for and against leaving their country. After work, Joe and I had lunch, popped to the shop (I finally found baked beans!), then came home for an hour then had to get the bus to the train/bus station (to buy a new bus pass - Joe had lost mine) then had to take Joe back to Hamburg Airport. Had to travel back by myself, and Hamburg train station is the last place on earth you want to be as a 20 year old woman in the dark at night.
Had to do two lessons today. In the first I did a simpler version of the lesson I did for my other Wednesday class last week, and that went well and I'm glad I simplified it. We also had more time for them to play Tabu and damn Germans get competitive about it. In the second class, I had prepared a gap fill based on the text from last week, which they filled in. Then the teacher improvised and asked each group to take a small paragraph and translate it. After that, I made them play a game where they had to pretend to be one of the people from the text, and the others had to ask them questions to guess who they were. Then, I made them write their own little paragraphs similar to the ones they had on the sheet. Overall, it was a really successful day and I felt good. Then I made chilli con carne for dinner.
I got a bit upset because a) I still haven't been paid and the PAD keep messing me around about what I will be paid and when, and to be honest it's putting me off putting effort into the work, if I won't get paid and b) because a teacher had told my mentor I am barely in the staff room to talk to about lessons, but I literally don't spend any of my break time anywhere else. Just felt like a huge comedown after the successful day prior. Plus it was a grave day for family reasons. Just felt like a write off. In class I helped them write dialogues asking for clarification if they didn't understand something in England i.e. "Can you repeat that please?".
My day off, so I cleaned the entire flat, did all my washing, changed the bed sheets, even washed the towels. Then I had a bath and ordered a takeaway. Was all very much needed.
Had a lie in and then ventured into town to do some Christmas shopping. The Christmas market stalls are up but not open yet - they even have a fairy tale forest. I saw some jumpers that Joe might like but I will wait until he is over so I can be sure. I bought some presents for my nan and mom, bought some wrapping paper, sellotape and bows and the fancy thread thing. Came home, did some wrapping, put my pizza on, watched Love Actually in German with some wine. Then watched the Godfather.
Today I just went for a walk around my local area to get a feel for the place. Then I came home and made a lovely dinner. I watched Les Mis and did some reading. I don't feel great tonight I must admit. I feel very alone and a little bit downtrodden from the past week and not getting paid.
Words this week:
im Schilde - under sb's fingernails
Guten Rutsch - Happy New Year
rieseln - trickle
leise - quiet/faint
der Duft - scent/fragrance
der Bratapfel - baked/roast apple
die Kugel - bauble
das Lametta - tinsel
die Fichten - firs/spruces
der Tesafilm - sellotape
die Faeden - stitches/thread
ausspeien - spit out
die Abneigung - dislike/reluctance/aversion
etw. verschlingen - to scoff sth
desensibilisieren - desensitise
klumpig - lumpy
mushy - matschig
pingelig - fussy
der Schlamm - mud
etw. puerieren/zerdruecken - mash sth
das Knabbergebaeck - breadsticks
der Schlemmer - glutton/good liver
die Annahme - assumption
einsteigen - access
klug/schlau - savvy
unverzichtbar - indispensable/vital
schleppend - sluggish/slowly
gering - slight/minor
der Zuwachs - increase
holen - fetch/get sth
die Mattscheibe - idiot box (TV)
die Verschmelzung - blend/fusion
fliessend - fluent/flowing
verdraenger - fierce
das Bewegtbild - moving image
zu jds/etw. Lasten - to the disadvantage of sb
einschalten - engage/activate
vergleichbar - comparable
der Internetauftritt- internet presence
beruecksichtigt - considered
anmuten - appear/seem
gelegentlich - occassionally
miteinbezogen - included
unworben - courted
der Schlaffi - wimp
der Leibwaechter - bodyguard
Went to work, was a little bit boring and didn't have to do much. During my break Joe and I went to town and did a little bit of Christmas shopping and browsing for Christmas decorations. After work, I got home and Joe had done all my shopping for me and had a sandwich on the table waiting for me. Then we napped for a little while in each other's arms. We then met up with the other assistants in town for a curry. They didn't do bhunas so I opted for the nondescript "chicken curry", which wasn't the worst but was certainly nothing like Birmingham curries. We then went home and attempted to watch Gangs of New York but that film is hard to get into.
Went to work. Had to carry out one lesson, where the students had two emails, each containing different information, and had to ask each other questions to fill in their missing information. Then they had to use those questions to ask others in the class about their own holidays. When finished, I had to read out a few riddles, which not even I could figure out that much. In the next class, I took small groups out at a time to hear their arguments for and against leaving their country. After work, Joe and I had lunch, popped to the shop (I finally found baked beans!), then came home for an hour then had to get the bus to the train/bus station (to buy a new bus pass - Joe had lost mine) then had to take Joe back to Hamburg Airport. Had to travel back by myself, and Hamburg train station is the last place on earth you want to be as a 20 year old woman in the dark at night.
Had to do two lessons today. In the first I did a simpler version of the lesson I did for my other Wednesday class last week, and that went well and I'm glad I simplified it. We also had more time for them to play Tabu and damn Germans get competitive about it. In the second class, I had prepared a gap fill based on the text from last week, which they filled in. Then the teacher improvised and asked each group to take a small paragraph and translate it. After that, I made them play a game where they had to pretend to be one of the people from the text, and the others had to ask them questions to guess who they were. Then, I made them write their own little paragraphs similar to the ones they had on the sheet. Overall, it was a really successful day and I felt good. Then I made chilli con carne for dinner.
I got a bit upset because a) I still haven't been paid and the PAD keep messing me around about what I will be paid and when, and to be honest it's putting me off putting effort into the work, if I won't get paid and b) because a teacher had told my mentor I am barely in the staff room to talk to about lessons, but I literally don't spend any of my break time anywhere else. Just felt like a huge comedown after the successful day prior. Plus it was a grave day for family reasons. Just felt like a write off. In class I helped them write dialogues asking for clarification if they didn't understand something in England i.e. "Can you repeat that please?".
My day off, so I cleaned the entire flat, did all my washing, changed the bed sheets, even washed the towels. Then I had a bath and ordered a takeaway. Was all very much needed.
Had a lie in and then ventured into town to do some Christmas shopping. The Christmas market stalls are up but not open yet - they even have a fairy tale forest. I saw some jumpers that Joe might like but I will wait until he is over so I can be sure. I bought some presents for my nan and mom, bought some wrapping paper, sellotape and bows and the fancy thread thing. Came home, did some wrapping, put my pizza on, watched Love Actually in German with some wine. Then watched the Godfather.
Today I just went for a walk around my local area to get a feel for the place. Then I came home and made a lovely dinner. I watched Les Mis and did some reading. I don't feel great tonight I must admit. I feel very alone and a little bit downtrodden from the past week and not getting paid.
Just a few photos from my walk today:
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