
Showing posts from December, 2017

Woche 12 & 13

Halloooo, sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've just been busy and have been reading a German book, so the vocab took me a very long time to fill in (its more time consuming than you think. Plus when you read a book in the foreign language you're learning, you actually wonder if you've learned anything, because there's so many uncommon words and phrases that you have to look up). So I've done a special 2 weeker, you lucky buggers. Montag 4/12 Pretty boring lesson for the first, as they just had a worksheet about different types of comments they would have to write for their Abitur. In the second lesson I did my past tense game again, though it was met with little enthusiasm, which was fairly annoying.  Dienstag 5/12 Pretty fun first lesson - we just played the game Werewolf (rules are here ). In the second lesson they had to help prepare for Nikolastag the next day, so the whole lesson was taken up doing that.  Mittwoch 6/12 (Nikolastag) In the f...

Woche 11

Guten Abend y'all, Montag I did half the lesson today where I spoke about the women in the Easter Rising. It all went well. In the second lesson I was able to give my students my past tense game (I did a variation of snakes and ladders, where each square on the board had a question about forming the past tense), but the room smelled like raw meat and the students were distracted, and I'm pretty sure some were cheating. Then I went to the post office to pick up a parcel, and it wasn't there despite being told it was. Dienstag With my first class we played taboo all lesson and I actually got to speak to my students human to human which was nice they are good people. In the next lesson I helped them prepare for a "TV show". Each student was assigned a role, and they had to meet up into groups of the same role and prepare to say their point of view. I actually received the 386 euro I am owed from working in September. Mittwoch Had to go to Kiel for a confere...